
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fluffy and his crew

Remember Fluffy? Fluffy is the adorable triangle that I call my pet.  ^_^
Ugh I still think he's cute! :)
Fluffy has a girl friend ya know:
Yeah kinda creepy with the heart on the fork... lol
And BEHOLD! Fluffie has a pet of her own called Mr. Handsome. 
Something I just realized is that the word Handsome has a e at the end. :/ (There is no e on Mr. Handsom's picture.) He's unique!  *wink*


Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

LOL those are SOOOOO cute! :DDDD


Jessica said...

Thank you for following!! I am in love with the owl in your signature. :D

Katie Krinkleberry :) said...

Bleah, :D I know! *wink*

May Amelia, Thank you too! :D

Mary said...

Haha, CUUUTE! :D

Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

*Gah* I'm not at home... no e-mail where I'm at.

If you could find someway to call me like... RIGHT NOW... I'd love you forever more.



Katie Krinkleberry :) said...

*bursts into tears* Bleah! Now that it's been 2 days.. I got your comment. *sighs* I am gonna take you off my author list for now so I can see your comments. :) Ok? :D
I hope you'll still love me forever more even though I didn't call. :P

Love you! I would call you like, now, but you are probably at Youth Group. :/

Katie Krinkleberry :) said...
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Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

No... I wasn't at youthgroup. I was rather hoping you would call me last night. :/ *sigh*

I still love you.

PLEASE... call me ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY ANY time... NO MATTER WHAT. I'll either answer and talk... answer and say I can't talk... or won't answer. but it'll never EVER hurt for you to call.

Any time of day...
call me.


Katie Krinkleberry :) said...

Ok Bleah. I guess half of it is my fear of calling people. lol I just need to get over it. I will call you in a few minutes. :) KK?

Katie Krinkleberry :) said...
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